

The documentation is written in MyST-Markdown. When making changes, be sure to build it in strict mode, to make sure everything works

cd docs
uv run just html-strict

While you could in theory use reStructuredText to write documentation, markdown is strongly preferred as it’s (subjectively) more intuitive.



Docstrings for classes and functions in the Manager should follow the Google Docstring format.

For example, a function that divides two numbers might be written as such

def divide(a: float, b: float) -> float:
    """Divides two numbers.

    This is an extremely complicated function with a longer
    description needed.

    .. caution::

      This will throw a :class:`.ZeroDivisionError` if the denominator is zero.

        a: The numerator.
        b: The denominator.

        The result of the division.
    return a / b


The orchestrator uses FastAPI to autogenerate it’s API documentation. fastapi parses docstrings as markdown, so instead of using reStructuredText directives you will need to use markdown.