Django Extensions

We include a lot of django plugins to make development easier.


In DEBUG, there’s a little box on the side of the screen that says “DJ”. Click to expand that, and you can enable different options for profiling, validating, and looking at queries!


With this plugin, every time you change a template, it will rerender it and update your browser tab without having to reload!


This plugin does a lot of boring stuff that’s really helpful, like validating templates, improving startup time, and improving error messages for reverse and QuerySet.get.


This package comes with a LOT of useful features: check out their docs.

Better shell

django-extensions has a replacement for shell: shell_plus! This autoimports all the models in the django application.


This will produce a merge conflict if two migrations with the same number are created, warning you that there is something that needs to be fixed.

It also comes with helpful commands to fix the migrations, such as

uv run ./ rebase_migration <app_label>