Reworking Manim

July 17, 2024

It's been over a year now since the developers of the mathematical animations library Manim started working on a rework of the entire backend. A year is a long time to work on something like this, so let me walk you through what we've done in that time, and what's left. As we go along, try to remember this:

With that out of the way, let's start with a quick walkthrough of how the Cairo renderer works in Manim.

The Old Render Loop

First let's take an (admittedly very quick) look at what happens when you do in the current version of Manim. It essentially boils down to a series of steps that must happen

  1. Get the file writer ready to write frames.
  2. Call begin() on every animation, to get it ready
  3. Iterate over every value of t in until the end of the animations
  4. For every value of t, compute dt (the change in time since the last frame),
    and use it to update all of the animations, then the mobjects, and finally the scene.
  5. Render all moving mobjects at that value of t
  6. Write the frame for that value of t
  7. Call finish() on every animation.
  8. Close the animation pipe on the file writer.

In code, something like

class Scene:

    def play(self, *animations: Animation) -> None:
        # step 1
        # step 2
        for animation in animations:

        # step 3
        last_t = 0
        for t in compute_t_range(animations):
            dt = t - last_t
            last_t = t
            # update animations (step 4)
            for animation in animations:
                alpha = t / animation.get_run_time()
            # step 5
            # step 6
            # step 7

        # step 8
        for animation in animations:
        # step 9

It's really not much more complicated than this. So what's the problem? Well, in the actual code, the flow goes something like this

  1. calls
  2. does the file writer preparation
  3. calls Scene.play_internal
  4. Scene.play_internal does steps 2-5
  5. Scene.play_internal calls the CairoRenderer for step 6
  6. CairoRenderer, in step 6, uses the Camera to render the mobjects
  7. Scene.play_internal does step 8
  8. CairoRenderer then finishes up step 9

Wow, that's a headache! There's so much interplay between Scene, CairoRenderer, SceneFileWriter, and Camera it's hard to keep track. Fixing this annoying communication was one of the big reasons for the refactor.

Before we move on to the refactor, let's talk about one other thing: how do we actually render the mobjects when we do self.renderer.render(self.moving_mobjects)?

For now let's consider the most common case, a VMobject (such as a square). Internally, it is just a list of a set of points. Each set of points make up a Bézier Curve. Luckily for us, Cairo comes with a way to automatically render Cubic Béziers, so we don't have to worry much about it: just know that the Camera is the one that does everything related to Cairo (which doesn't make sense, but just go with it).

The Rewrite

There are three major changes in the rewrite:

  1. Organizing the control flow of the Scene, via the introduction of a Manager class.
  2. Changing from Cairo to OpenGL for live rendering.
  3. Using interfaces instead of concrete objects (more on this later!)
The Manager

The Manager has one, and only one job: it has to organize calls between Scene, the renderer, and the file writer. It also has to communicate with a new class, the Window, which is used for live rendering with OpenGL. Let's take a look at how the (slightly modified) code, now looks for Manager._play:

class Manager:

    def _play(self, *animations: AnimationProtocol) -> None:
        # prepare file writer

        # call begin on all the animations
        # call finish() on all animations

        # finish the file writer

    def _progress_through_animations(
        self, animations: Sequence[AnimationProtocol]
    ) -> None:
        last_t = 0.0
        run_time = self._calc_runtime(animations)
        progression = self._calc_time_progression(run_time)
        for t in progression:
            dt, last_t = t - last_t, t
            # interpolate animations
            self.scene._update_animations(animations, t, dt)

    def _update_frame(self, dt: float) -> None:
        # run updaters

        state = self.scene.get_state()  # get how the scene looks

        pixels = self.renderer.get_pixels()

No more weird Scene and renderer interplay! The Manager makes sure to call the right methods on the right object.

This also has one effect on mainstream users: instead of running your code via something like

if __name__ == "__main__":

It would be changed to

if __name__ == "__main__":
    manager = Manager(SceneName)

If you ever want to access the scene, you can do so by accessing the scene attribute on Manager.

Cairo to OpenGL

You might be thinking, if Cairo works why change it? Well, let's take a look at how Cairo does its job. It essentially calculates the color for every pixel in the video on the CPU. Every frame. Calculating the color of a pixel is an operation that is embarresingly parallel: once you have the data you don't really need to know about the color of a previous pixel. In fact, creating frames really fast is the exact reason that GPUs, or Graphical Processing Units, were invented!

Now our implementation of an OpenGL renderer is still undergoing changes, mostly due to the difficulty of the task. Unfortunately, OpenGL, a GPU API, doesn't have a nice interface for rendering Bézier Curves - we have to code it ourselves. Most shapes in OpenGL are created with triangles. For example, a square could be made out of two right isosceles triangles. There has been some research on how to do this effectively, but our implementation still has several bugs as of right now.

This has a few other benefit. One of them is that you no longer have to worry about using OpenGLMobject vs Mobject depending on the renderer: it's all (going to be) consolidated into one single Mobject class! Another benefit is that now 3D scenes should be much easier to work with, just because OpenGL has really good 3D support.


Have you ever wondered something along the lines of "hmm, I want to make my own Animation, but I don't know what methods to override"? Well, we have an advancement for you: many items in Manim now have a stable interface of methods that they must implement in order to function without errors! You might have noticed in the code above something called AnimationProtocol: that is a class that tells you exactly which methods need to be overridden to make a fully functioning animation!


The new rewrite is still nowhere near complete - there is still so many things to do, but this is a brief overview of the main changes. If you're interested in helping out, feel free to ping me (@jasongrace2282) on the Manim Discord Server, or if you just want to check out the progress take a look at the tracker issue. Until next time!

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Written by JasonGrace2282 , a developer at Manim Community, a Sysadmin at TJ CSL, and a physics enthusiast. You should follow them on Github

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